Kansas City Sexual Assault Injury Attorneys

Sexual assault is a deeply traumatic experience. Luckily, the legal system provides avenues to seek justice and hold perpetrators accountable.  

Survivors have the right to pursue compensation for the physical, emotional, and psychological damages they suffer. This could include medical costs, therapy bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Those liable for these damages could range from the assailant to institutions that may have failed to provide adequate security or response. Understanding your rights and options is crucial in the aftermath of such a traumatic event. 

Based in Kansas City, Missouri, Goodwin Johnston LLC offers experienced and compassionate legal representation for survivors of sexual assault. Our attorneys understand the sensitive nature of these cases, and we're here to help you secure justice.  

Our personal injury attorneys represent sexual assault survivors and their families throughout Missouri (including St. Joseph, Springfield, Columbia, and St. Louis) and Kansas (including Kansas City, Lawrence, Manhattan, Wichita, and Topeka). 

The Importance of Prompt Legal Action 

Understanding the statute of limitations is critical for sexual assault survivors considering legal action. The statute of limitations defines the timeframe within which a survivor can file a civil lawsuit against their abuser or any liable parties. 

In Missouri, the statute of limitations for civil lawsuits related to sexual assault has seen significant reforms aimed at providing survivors more time to seek justice. As of 2018, survivors have ten years from the date of the incident to file a claim, or three years from when the injury was discovered or should have been discovered—whichever is later.  

In Kansas, the statute of limitations is somewhat different. Survivors have two years to file a civil lawsuit from the date of the assault. However, similar to Missouri, Kansas law also allows for an extension under specific conditions. For instance, if the survivor was a minor at the time of the assault, they have 13 years from the age of 18 to file a lawsuit

Both states acknowledge the unique and often delayed paths to recovery and justice faced by sexual assault survivors. Therefore, consulting with a knowledgeable attorney as soon as possible is crucial to ensure your case is filed within the applicable timeframe. Goodwin Johnston LLC is dedicated to helping you achieve the justice and compensation you deserve. 

Common Injuries From Sexual Assault 

Sexual assault can lead to a wide array of physical and emotional injuries, some of the most common include: 

  • Physical injuries: These can range from bruising and lacerations to more severe injuries such as fractures or internal injuries.  

  • Psychological trauma: Many survivors experience long-term mental health conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other emotional disturbances.  

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Victims may contract STIs from their assailant, necessitating medical treatment and ongoing healthcare. 

  • Reproductive health issues: Assault can result in pregnancy or other complications affecting reproductive health. 

  • Chronic pain and other somatic symptoms: Survivors often suffer from chronic pain conditions and other physical symptoms as a result of the trauma. 

You’ve Been Hurt Enough

Let Us Help

Civil Case vs. Criminal Case in Sexual Assault Matters 

A criminal case involves the state or federal government prosecuting the alleged perpetrator of the assault. The primary purpose is to hold the offender accountable for their criminal actions and protect the public. In a criminal trial, the prosecution must prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a high standard of proof.  

If convicted, the defendant may face penalties such as imprisonment, probation, and fines. However, it is important to note that, while criminal prosecution can bring a sense of justice, it does not provide financial compensation to the survivor. 

On the other hand, a civil case allows the survivor to seek financial compensation for the damages they have suffered as a result of the sexual assault. In this type of case, the survivor, known as the plaintiff, files a lawsuit against the defendant, which could be the perpetrator or another liable party such as an institution. The standard of proof in a civil case is lower than in a criminal case; the plaintiff needs to prove their case by a "preponderance of the evidence," meaning it's more likely than not that the defendant is responsible for the harm.  

Civil cases can result in compensation for medical expenses, therapy costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages incurred by the survivor. 

Survivors of sexual assault have the right to press criminal charges and seek civil compensation concurrently. Pursuing both avenues can maximize the justice and support survivors receive, helping them to begin the process of healing and rebuilding their lives.  

At Goodwin Johnston LLC, we're here to help you pursue civil cases related to sexual assault. Our experienced lawyers are committed to advocating for your rights and helping you navigate the legal system to achieve the justice and compensation you deserve. 

Damages Available 

We carefully evaluate every aspect to ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible for your losses. Damages available in a sexual assault claim may encompass: 

  • Medical expenses 

  • Therapy and psychological counselling costs 

  • Lost wages 

  • Pain and suffering 

  • Emotional distress 

  • Loss of earning capacity 

  • Punitive damages 

  • Rehabilitation costs 

Every case is unique, and depending on your circumstances, you may be entitled to other damages not listed above. Our experienced attorneys will work tirelessly to build a strong case for you that accounts for all your losses. 

You Deserve Compassionate and Experienced Representation 

Choosing Goodwin Johnston LLC means partnering with a law firm that combines compassion with a proven track record of success. With years of experience representing survivors of sexual assault and other tragic events, our attorneys possess the insights and dedication required to navigate these sensitive cases.  

When you hire our sexual assault lawyers at Goodwin Johnston LLC, you can be confident that you have a skilled and tenacious advocate fighting relentlessly for your rights and well-being. Suffering this form of abuse drastically alters your life; and while nothing can erase what's been done to you, seeking justice can help hold those responsible accountable and provide you with the financial support needed for your recovery.  

Our firm has secured significant settlements and verdicts for our clients, which exemplifies our commitment to achieving justice. We understand that each case is unique and requires a personalized approach—our team listens to your story and crafts a strategy tailored to your specific needs.  

Kansas City Sexual Assault Attorneys 

Choosing Goodwin Johnston LLC means opting for a firm that genuinely cares about its clients. We understand the profound impact sexual assault has on survivors and are here to help alleviate any financial burdens. Contact us today to discuss how we can support you in seeking justice and rightful compensation after a sexual assault.